Learning is Essential for Growth

Growth is Essential for Survival

Policies and Procedures Manual: Developing Your Policy Manual Workshop

This is a half day workshop that starts off looking at the development of your company policy manual including deciding what policies to include and the principles of policy development. The second half of the session gets into the actual policy writing and mechanics of policy management including version control, managing revisions and implementing your policy to your employees.

Course Outline:

1.Start With Why
2.Imagine Being Without
3.What a 20% Business Looks Like
4.Starting Lineup
5.Policies in Action
6.Writing P&P
7.Expected Resistance
8.The End (Not Really)
A question that often comes up in this session is what do you do with your company policy manual once you have it written?
There are a number of ways to get your policy manual into the hands and heads of your employees. The traditional option is another workshop, where you present the policy manual and invite comments and questions from your employees. It can be a simple and effective approach especially when you don't have a lot of employees and still have the ability to get everyone together on short notice.
When getting everyone together becomes to difficult, an online option makes a lot of sense, Your policy manual materials can be loaded in an oonline policy management system, which then allows only your employees to have controlled access to your policy documents. You can track their progress and receive a sign off notification each time someone approves are acknowledges that they have completed the policy training. This web site describes the online process, How to Implement Your Company Policy Manual.