Learning is Essential for Growth

Growth is Essential for Survival

What is Your Best Habit?

As an entrepreneur I have thought long and hard about what makes a successful person and business. And as a trainer and founder of two online training businesses (TrainingToDo.com and SafeAndCertified.com), I am surrounded by people who take face-to-face and online training to improve their knowledge and performance.

Recently I developed and started to deliver face-to-face training about Habits. One of the questions I ask the group is, “What’s your BEST habit?” Often the majority of the people in the room don’t have an answer. They have never stopped and thought about it. Most people today are on autopilot, trying to get through the day and check all the boxes of what has to get done.

This doesn’t leave much time to reflect on what you have done. And yet that is precisely what makes some people stand out from the crowd, and accounts for high levels of productivity and success. Plus most people believe that they are doing pretty well and why mess with what’s working. Just keep doing what you’re doing.

Consider an Olympic level athlete. How would their diet and fitness compare to yours? What does their daily routine look like? Who do they spend time with? Interestingly, it’s been proven, the people we spend the majority of our time with has a lot to do with our results. Professional athletes hang around trainers and other athletes which gives them a very different perspective than if they spent time with average or below average people.

This new training session is delivered at the Manitoba Tourism Education Council and titled, Habits of a Winner. It is something that ties together many of the other sessions I deliver, Leadership, Negotiation, and Courage and Confidence.

In the new ‘Habits’ training session we look at how we can find the right habits that will lead to the results we want, and then develop the process to stop, start, and stick to that habit. There has been a lot of research into habits in recent years which has led to an effective process, all of which are covered in this training.

This session uses the science of how habits are formed and modified.Think about what habits you have that you do every day, or on a regular basis and whether they are supporting you as you work to reach your goals, or are they actually a distraction and working against your success.